The McMillan First Responders were established in the 1990’s. We started with a group of 12 First Responders
and have now grown to a group that consists of 8 EMT’s and 1 Emergency Medical Responder. The group has also
gained many advanced skills to add to their bag of life saving measures. The group can now administer Albuterol,
Aspirin and Narcan. The City of Marshfield Ambulance responds in conjunction with the First Responders to transport
the patient.
The EMS group looks forward to serving the community and is looking into the future for great things to be happening
with the group. If anyone would like to know more about the group or see what we are about, please feel free to contact
Lorrie Bauer, EMS Coordinator for more information. You may contact Lorrie at 715-389-2067, please leave a message
and she will get back to you as soon as she can.